‘The DNC Journal’ [2583-5319 (Online)] welcomes all of you. I would like to thank all the authors for their interest in the journal. This is our first volume and second issue of the journal. I am very much thankful to the patron (Mr. Eeshan Ali) for his inspiration and consistent support and all the members of the advisory committee for their moral support. I am also thankful to the editorial board members who have acted as reviewers for one or more articles of this issue for their valuable contributions. ‘The DNC Journal’ [2583-5319 (Online)] is confident that readers will learn and get different aspects on multidisciplinary subjects. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of the Editor and ‘The DNC Journal’. I believe that someway Volume-1, Issue-2 will successfully accomplish the global goal of multidisciplinary subjects. I invite our readers from different levels of multidisciplinary subjects to contribute to the journal by sharing their knowledge in the form of research papers, action research reports, conceptual articles, case studies etc. Your valuable suggestions and comments for improvement of the quality of the journal are welcome.

Dr. Dipak Bhattacharya
Assistant Professor in Education,
Department of Education,
Dukhulal Nibaran Chandra College,
Aurangabad, Murshidabad, West Bengal, PIN-742201, India.